The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Tuesday, June 28

Growth Spurt...

The last few days things with Munchkin have beena bit unusual. She's been a bit grouchy, waking up more often at night, and not eating as usual during the day. After doing some researching this evening and talking with the hubs, we decided she might just be going through a growth spurt. She had one between 6-8 weeks. That's normal. One place I checked said that after that kids generally have one once a month or every 8 weeks. It said that it only lasts for a day or two. We're on day two with this little gal, so I'm hoping that it won't last much longer. Last night I was up with her every 3 hours. It was exhausting. I really hope she goes back to her fabulous nights of only waking once. I hope tonight's the night.

Outside of this fun few days, things have been going alright. The hubs is on summer break, with the occasional work at a side job. It's been a bit of a change having him around. For me, it's been an awesome change. It's been a bit harder for the kids. They're so used to me doing things. Having him step in and do things has been a bit harder. But we're trying to live up the summer as much as we can. We've already had one family reunion. We've got another one next week. We're had some fun camping, and hope to do more. Swim lessons, trips to the library. Who knows?  I just hope it stays fun. And that I start getting more sleep at night. ;)

Tuesday, June 21

Family Reunion...

We have just finished a week-long family reunion. (Including driving days, and some family returning with us.) I fear it's going to take twice that long to get our kiddos back to where they were. They've been going to bed at 10 pm all week long with no naps. Fortunately, Monkey knows how to let herself sleep in. The same can't be said for Moose. Tonight is the first night of trying to get them back to normal. They've now been in bed for 1 hour and 20 minutes. Although this process is being made all the more difficult by Monkey's teething, congestion, and diaper issues. (Diaper issues are another blog, completely. Oy.) Munchkin seems to be doing well. Despite being the worst traveler in our family. Let's just say that being rocked to sleep in the car does nothing for her. Which makes an 8 hour day in the car very unpleasant.

But despite all the unpleasantness, we are so glad to be home. The kiddos will figure it out. Things will readjust. And it was so awesome to visit with family. I suppose the memories will be worth the pains of readjusting to normal life. :)

Thursday, June 2

2 months...

I can hardly believe Munchkin is 2 months old. It goes so fast. She weighed in at 12 lbs. 15 oz. and she's 24 inches long. She's in the 95th percentile for both. Another big baby for us! I love it! She's starting to sleep a bit better. She even napped in her crib a bit today instead of the swing. (The batteries died, so it happened by chance. But she did well, so we'll have to keep this up!) She's still doing well at night, and becoming more alert and interactive during the day. The big kiddos still adore her, so I couldn't be happier! (Well, I'll be happier when I sleep straight through the night, but I'm not complaining or anything.) Overall, she's healthy so I couldn't be happier. :)