Today was a rather productive day. With another 7 o'clock wake up from Monkey, my day started early. I took the liberty to lay down on the couch for an hour right after everyone was fed. Then Moose was whisked off to preschool. Me and Monkey were able to go and get my hair cut! The first time since before she was born. I used to have short hair, and now it's nearing my waist! A trim was definitely needed, and it was a nice morning activity to loosen me up. The kiddos had good naps and Monkey's was quite long. I think these 7 am wakeups are starting to get to her. (Her nap was 4 hours.) She didn't stay up chattering for an hour after we put her to bed at night either.
Her appetite is back (Woohoo!) and we can tell she's had a growth spurt. She's now opening doors and holding onto the stair rail on her way down. (Though we still won't let her go down on her own.)
Thanks to Monkey's 4 hour nap, I was able to relax, read, and sew. I have a quiet book I started over 2 years ago that I'm just finishing. I worked on it a bunch the month before Monkey was born, but then didn't touch it for a long time. I'm sewing a cover around the outside so little pieces don't fall out and get lost while it's being carted around. I'm pretty sure it'll be done tomorrow. Just in time for a short trip!
Saturday morning we're taking a short drive down to my brother's place. He's blessing his new baby, Taylor, on Sunday. (Yes, the one born in the car.) We're heading down to visit and enjoy the occasion. My parents are also coming, which is a point of excitement for us since they're a full 2 days drive away. (Long days.) The kiddos don't get to see them very much. The last time we saw them was back in May, when my brother gradauted. Before that, it was when Monkey was 3 months old or so. So big stretches. After this short weekend visit, we won't see them again until Baby 3 is born. And even then it'll probably just be my mom when she comes up to help out when Baby 3 is born. Unless I can squeak out a flight down to their place for me and the kiddos. (That would be fantastic, but don't know how probable, since plane tickets can be so pricey.)
Anyhow, so today was a good productive day. Tomorrow's a day without preschool or any other planned activities. So who knows what'll happen. Maybe some bike riding for Moose. Maybe a quick grocery trip for all of us. Maybe some frosting of Halloween cookies. The possibilities are (almost) endless.
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