The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Thursday, December 15


I haven't blogged in a while, but I blog in my head all the time. Cute things they do, obnoxious things, downright hilarious things. But getting the time I'd like to write it all down in a fashion that's satisfactory to me is another idea. I'm currently taking the time to do it now because I feel like it. Yes, I'm ignoring the fact that I'm in my pajamas, hair unbrushed, my daughter is in her bedroom doing puzzles with only a t-shirt on (literally, only a shirt), a load of laundry is washing in the laundry room for the 3rd day straight (the exact same load. I keep forgetting to put it in the dryer, so in the morning it smells weird, so I wash it again), there are some eggs on the stove that need to be eaten or put away, not to mention the eggs on Monkey's plate that she didn't eat, but will remain there until she does because she will eventually want to watch tv and she can't until she's finished her breakfast, and a multitude of other things that need to be done but will have to wait. So here's some random and unconnected rants and thoughts of me.

When Monkey first starting singing Jingle Bells, she'd repeat the phrase "Jingle Bells" over and over again because those were the only words she knew.

When my 2 oldest kids sing "You are my Sunshine" they sing "You make me happy, when skies are great."

Monkey peed her pants for the first time in a long time while I was putting Munchkin down for a nap. It took longer than usual since Munchkin is crabby. So she kneeled there in the bathroom (where it happened) playing with the heating vent (running her fingers down it over and over again, making noise), and essentially soaked up her entire pee puddle. Gross, right?

Munchkin is getting 2 more teeth. She's got her bottom middle, now she's getting 2 more bottom ones. She's been crabby. She needs to start crawling so she can follow whoever it is she wants to be near since she hates being left alone. She is also getting tired of baby food. Monkey did the same thing. So I'll be googling later today good finger foods for Miss Munchkin so we can start giving her more hands on chewy type foods.

Thanks to the lack of sunshine where I live our plants are struggling. Grr. We've tried so hard to keep the darn things alive. We might have to invest in a plant light for our living room. (The only room with decent natural sunlight. It's still awful. So they all reside in the same room.)

I don't teach my kid to believe in Santa. I'm evil, I know. I can't lie about it. It just feels weird. I don't remember ever believing in Santa and I think I turned out pretty great. (That is based on the opinion of me and my mom, so we might be biased.) Apparently it's a super controversial topic that gets people really heated up. Me, not so much. It is what it is. I just refuse to label a gift as coming from Santa. We worked dang hard to buy those gifts and I refuse to give the credit to some fictional holiday character. Not gonna happen. Darn right those gifts came from me and the hubs.

I wish I was a super mom. I have these strong desires to sew all my kid's clothes, make quilts (never done that one before), make homemade bread (really wanting to do that), and actually have a clean house (yeah, I really stink at that one). I'm not having guilt trips about it. I'm a good mom. I do a lot. I know that. But I spend a lot of time doing other stuff. I have a decent amount of doing-what-I-want-time, even at the expense of ignoring a child or two. I keep up on a few shows online (we don't have tv channels). I read books in splurges (I've got 3 great ones waiting on my dresser right now.).  I have tons of time I could spend doing domestic types of things. Heck, I could probably be dressed before 2 every single day if I really applied myself. I do get dressed before that time some days. Just not every day. Once we get home from taking Moose to school I'm putting Munch down for a nap, which is in my room. So unless I get showered and dressed before her first nap, showering doesn't happen and dressing waits until much later. When she wakes up from her nap, it's usually about lunchtime for. Then pretty shortly after that it's naptime for them both. So sometimes getting dressed waits until she wakes up from her second nap and we go directly to picking up Moose from school and the melee starts from there. Then it's putting gear away, unpacking backpacks (a lot of this he does himself, but it takes occasional nagging from me to see through to completion.), piano practice, homework (he doesn't actually get any, but we practice skills at home. He says he really likes it.), making dinner, cleaning the house before the hubs gets home is an optional thing, often not happening and then when he does get home it's time for dinner, clean-up, quickly having quality time for him and them, then corraling them all for bed. Oh, and Munch goes to bed during all that. She hits the hay about an hour earlier than they do. So that was unintended, but that's my day. Wow, talk about ranting. I really laid it out didn't I?

Now, I feel like I should add, I love my life. I love my kids. I wouldn't have it any other way. (Unless that way involved a spacious home and a second car. I might have it that way.) Although my days have struggles and I fight to do things I want to and things I should, or need to, etc. I love my life. I love being a mom. My husband is awesome. We all love each other.

Sometimes I worry I'm a mean mom. My stern voice is never far away. But the hubs told me recently as he was talking to a father who's youngest of 8 is about 19, he was asking about parenting and things. Theiroldest song told him once that when he was little he was scared of his mom and dad. (I suppose there might have been some joking going on, but still.) But all of their kids are amazingly well-rounded and great kids. They're starting their own families, making a good life for themselves. They're a close and loving family. But apparently their parents were strict too. So I suppose there's hope for us.

Okay, I think I'm done now. I'm going to make my 2 year old put some clothes on and go do something productive that's been on my mind all morning. :)

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