The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Tuesday, April 8

Once a parent...

Always remembering how to be a parent. So, I'm pregnant with #4. You know what I do before each of my babies is born? Re-read the books "The Baby Whisperer" and "Happiest Baby on the Block". Why would I re-read these each and every time? Why, because it's been so long since the last one was born, I've forgotten half of what we did. Granted, there are some things you don't forget, but you'd be amazed at what you do forget.

Take for example when my third was born. I had a really rough time breastfeeding for a while. I had a horrible time with Moose, then was able to learn and have a good experience with Monkey. So with Munchkin I thought we'd be good. However, I totally forgot some of the tips I used to help out in the beginning as baby got established. I went through a short stint nursing Munchkin when it was insanely painful because she hadn't been latching on right, and I had forgotten how I had made it work with Monkey. Luckily I got it sorted and we got on the right track. But, it just amazed me what I could forget.

My sweet sister has a blog The Parenting Toolbox about parenting. I was reading a post today about the 3 strikes rule. She explained it really simply and explained how it works and what you do. Now, this is something I totally did with Moose. You ask them to do something. They don't do it. You make sure they acknowledge what it is they were supposed to do and give them a consequence for not doing it. If they don't do it after that, you follow through with the previously designated consequence. Easy right? Sure it is. But by the time I got to kid #3, we had resorted to a million warnings, bribes, delaying, hollering from across the room, etc. Where did my resolve go?  Now that I'm a mama of 3, and the years have seriously worn on my resolve, I'm no longer that stick to my guns-no nonsense mom. But just reading her post about it reminded me that I used to be and that it's easy enough to do it again.

And I seriously needed that reminder. When it comes to getting Monkey to do her morning chores, it's like pulling teeth. I set a timer the other day and it took her around 15 minutes to make her bed, say a prayer and floss/brush/swish her teeth. That may seem like a lot of stuff, but if I told her there was ice cream once chores were done, they're seriously be done in under 5. No joke. But now I've been reminded of how to be a parent, the type of parent I once was, and I am resolved to change my slackey habits.

Well, that's the plan anyway. We'll see what happens. :)

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