The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Friday, April 4

Park Bench Mom

I remember many years back, perhaps before I had kids or when I only had one little one, saying to myself that when I took my kids to the park I would play with them instead of just sitting on the park bench. Well, I'm here today to say that I lied.

Okay, not completely. I'm sure there have been times when I've actually played with my kids at the park. Today was just not one of those days. Heck, I deserved an award for just taking them. The wind was blowing, it wasn't exactly comfortable park weather and I just wanted to go home. But after getting my kids to go with me to Ace Hardware ("It'll be fun. You can have a free bag of popcorn when you're done!") Munchkin informed me that going to the park is fun. We obviously have different ideas of fun. So I said they could go to the park after my errand. Lo and behold, it was windy and cold. Nonetheless we were there for at least 45 minutes. Despite my saying I would only be sitting on the bench and reading my book, I still got up 3 times to push Munchkin on the swing. Like I said, I deserved an award. ;)

Don't get me wrong, I love days when the weather's nice, and I have energy to spare and can really play with my kids at the park. Those are great days. But you will never see me judge another parent for sitting on the park bench while their kids play. Instead, I'll come up and sit with you. Maybe even have an adult conversation. :)

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