Yesterday the computer was off when I got home, so I decided to leave it off. I had a dinner out at church with the ladies, and the hubs put the kiddos down. Unfortunately, Monkey had a humongous screaming fit for some reason and it wasn't a super smooth night for him. There's no telling what's going on with her exactly. Here's her update though. We still think she's teething, those 2 year molars. She won't hardly eat anything that involves any chewing. She'll put her hand to her jawline and say "ouch". Or "hurt". So today I worked really hard to only give her foods she could eat. Which, for the entire day, included one bite of cheerios at breakfast, half a stick of cheddar cheese at lunch, 1/3 container of yogurt, then at dinner she had half a piece of bread and most of her yogurt. She's had tons of fluids, and never complains of hunger. So I'm guessing she's not totally up to par. Not to mention her insanely disgusting diapers. Sorry, but it's such a huge part of the last two days. Feel free to skip. She's just been pooping a ton, and it's horribly odorous, kinda runny, and she says it hurts. I'm guessing it's diarrhea-ish. But since she's not eating too much, I'm hoping she'll run out and the pooping will slow down. Tuesday she seriously only ate cheddar cheese all day. For the most part. That was when we were starting to realize she didn't like to eat certain things, especially if it involved chewing. But even today, she couldn't hardly touch it. Either because she was sick of it (who wouldn't be after eating it all day) or her gums are just continuing in their sensitivity. Either way, we're making adjustments to her diet, and continuing to try and ease the pain with ibuprofen or tylenol. I just hope this doesn't last long. Granted, I haven't checked out her mouth the last few days to see if I can see anything, but as of late last week, I couldn't see any evidence of teeth. Perhaps they're coming in fast. I hope this doesn't last long. Moose never had anything weird go on when he got teeth. He barely drooled extra. So this is totally foreign territory for us. But I figure if we keep her hydrated (which we have been) and try and offer her foods she can eat that I won't feel horrible about her eating all day, (For now her selection is bread, bananas, applesauce, and yogurt.) she'll work through it. If she doesn't improve in a day or two, however, we're going to go visit the doc. Better safe than sorry.
Today was another busy day. I slept in as much as possible, took the kiddos to the library, (where me and Moose both managed to get paint on the fronts of our shirts. He painted himself. I was painted on my Monkey.) had a semblance of naptime, then ran to the music store, (Looking for more piano music for my students. I'm going to have 3 when I'm done with my maternity leave. How exciting!) ran back to the library, (they had 2 more books on reserve for us that weren't ready this morning) and stopped at the toy store. The kids love it there, and they totally just let you play. I ended up getting them both a small toy. Moose was happy enough to pick something, although the small inexpensive choices were not his first pick. Monkey, however, was impossible to buy something for. She kept saying "no" everytime I found something I thought she'd like. It was kinda funny. She finally said yes to a small rubber ducky. But then when it was time to buy it, she said "no" again. But we bought it anyway. We enjoyed dinner sans the hubs, plopped the kids in a bubble bath, then dressed for bed and watched a small bit of "elmo show" (Monkey's favorite) and one of Moose's library videos. When it was time to go back for bed, the hubs had gotten home (parent teacher conferences tonight) and took them back to bed. It was a long and tiresome day, but a good day.
Tomorrow I'm hosting my last round of preschool. Just talked to the hubs. He left shortly after the kids went to bed. His brother is having a CD release party tomorrow and he's helping set up. Whatever they get done tonight is time he doesn't have to spend Thursday and Friday night getting ready. So he's most likely going to be there til midnight or later. So I'm going to go tuck myself in to bed and read a book til I'm tired. Maybe that means the next 2 days won't be as bad since I was planning on him being gone both days basically from 6:30 am to at least 8 pm. But maybe this one late night will keep him at home with us the next 2 nights. Perhaps.
Feeling more and more ready to be done being pregnant. My rib hurts, occasionally my back, and I'm waddling something awful. (It's the hips. They get so sore.) 9 days til my mom comes. 16 til the baby comes. (Or perhaps less. It could always be less.) :)
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