The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Friday, September 3

Finicky Words...

Monkey now has a small arsenal of words she says, and will do them on demand. (Which makes for fun phone calls to the relatives. Her list includes:

Baby (her favorite word, by far)
Bubble (her newest one)
Woof woof

Now, she is capable of saying mama, and does it occasionally. But she refuses to say it to me, or about me. Moose will sometimes go through this list with her for fun. He always asks her, "Can you say Mama?" And she'll either stop talking or say something else. I'm sure it'll come eventually. I'm still her favorite for bedtime.

Oh, baby 3 is officially a kumquat. (Don't know if I spelled that right.)

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