The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Sunday, October 3

The belly...

So I just noticed that my last post was my 200th post! Woohoo! I haven't done 100%, but I'm proud of what I've done and enjoy the thought process that goes into thinking about my days and my kids. It's good for me.

So, the belly. When we went to the football game on Friday night, I noticed for the first time that I have a belly. I know it's there, and I've been aware that I'm starting to show for a while now. But it's just not been that apparent to other people. The pants I generally wear are somewhat loose (aka comfortable) so you can't really see the belly much. But those ones were dirty, so I pulled out another pair and they're more form fitting than my regulars. Because of this, you could actually see the belly. I was pleased. I like seeing the belly. I know that at 14 weeks they say the uterus is just getting above the pelvis, so it's natural to start showing now if you aren't already. But I like it. Since I can't feel the baby yet (although I'm pretty sure I actually have, maybe twice, but only in very strange positions.) and haven't had an ultrasound yet, the pregnancy is still not very real from day to day. I know there's a baby in there, and I don't doubt that everything's okay. But I just don't feel all that pregnant everyday. But once the belly is coming and hanging out, the feeling comes. And I like it. I like feeling pregnant. Not feeling nauseated. Very different things. I like feeling pregnant. I love that glowy feeling of "Yes, there's a baby growing in my belly. Isn't that awesome?"

And it is awesome. :)

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