The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Wednesday, October 6

Preschool and Parks...

So I didn't post after my preschool adventure yesterday. Sorry to keep any of you in suspense. My mom had to call just to find out how it went. It wasn't bad. It wasn't what I expected. I only had 3 of 5 kids. With the group I had, the dynamic was a bit different. Moose is 4, the youngest won't be 3 til February. The other one will be 3 in December. The youngest is super comfy at our house, the other little one thinks he is her boyfriend and mimics him a lot. This made the group dynamic slightly difficult. I wasn't as prepared to educationally entertain as I was to teach. It's been so long since I started doing this with Moose, that I forgot how hard it can be. He's so big now and has a good attention span. So it was difficult. But I'm better prepared for tomorrow, I think. I had an activity that went over really well last time, and I think I have one for tomorrow that will definitely be a hit.

Anyhow, today was a great day. Well, I had to wake Monkey up at 8:45 so we could make it to Moose's 9:00 doctor's appointment 10 minutes late. And he got the flu shot. (One sad Moose.) But the doctor gave him a strawberry lollipop per request and that helped a bit. After that fun outing, we packed a picnic, stopped by the library for a renewal of books and videos, and ran over to the park for a playdate. The doctor inspired me to take Moose's bike. (It was one of the developmental questions, "Can he ride a bike?") He hasn't ridden it very often due to weather and living upstairs. So we took it and he had a good time. He asked to ride it again after his nap, before dinnertime and we all went downstairs and he rode around our small sidewalk area. He actually did really good! I was very impressed. I even showed him how to back pedal and use the brakes. It was really fun and I enjoyed watching how well he rode. (Monkey had a good time during all this too.)

So overall, a good preschool adventure (a learning experience for me) and a great day outside today. I love this fall weather with sunshine and cool temperatures. Awesome! So here's to a hopeful great preschool day tomorrow, with another big kid in the group. (Yay!)

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