The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Monday, April 19

Maybe we'll start over tomorrow...

So today was a huge bust. As of right now, eggs aren't even in the picture. Super long story short: Moose threw multiple huge tantrums today (two about not wanting to go to the bathroom, which is slightly unusual). He was just in a mood to pick a fight. He spent somewhere around 1 1/2 hours sitting in the corner refusing to go to bed without his book or song (which he had lost way before, multiple times over) so I ignored him and let him sit until he was ready.

Tomorrow's another day. I'm feeling slightly rejuvenated from some serious "me" time this evening. (humongous kudos to my hubs. he is the best for me and I'm too lucky to have him.)

Parenting can be such a constant reinventing of yourself as a parent. I guess we were due for a nice overhaul. It'd been a while. Here's to a new day. And to taking them one at a time.

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