Well, yesterday was one of those days where the computer was already turned off, and me and the hubs watched New Moon, and got to bed late, and my post was put off one night.
Yesterday Moose was a ball of nervous energy, basically driving me slowly, crazy. Today, however, was a bit better. Thanks to PBS Kids games and Harry Potter #7 to keep me company.
Most of my thoughts are currently headed to you, my dear friend, PJ and your very honest comment. This is what I've got swirling around in my head.
No matter how much you read, or try and prepare yourself, nothing will truly prepare you for parenthood. And I say this in the best and worst of ways. This does not mean, that you should not try and prepare yourself. To the contrary. The more tools in your tool belt, the better off you'll be. Eventually. It just takes time.
But overall, there's no way to know how your child will change your life. Everything changes once you actually hold that baby. Everything. In the best ways. In ways you cannot possible dare to imagine. And it's different for every single person.
Is it normal to be scared? Completely. I should've been more scared before my first. Now, however, the shock value is somewhat gone. I've been poo'd on, pee'd on, screamed at, bitten, barfed on, bear hugged, snuggled, eskimo kissed, cried on, and everything else. I'm sure my list will only get longer.
The beauty of all of this is: I can't wait. As grueling as parenting is, I absolutely love every minute of it. I may not love it in the exact moment something's happening. But at the end of the day, when I look at my sleeping angels (which I highly recommend. Really helps to remind you what treasures they are. Kids are so angelic when they sleep.) I'm reminded why I'm doing what I do, and I get the strength to carry on. Day after day.
Parenting is a real job. The most under-appreciated job there is, I bet. But the best payment is what you receive naturally. The love of your children. The joy you feel when you see them enjoying life, living, experiencing all that the world offers.
Sometimes I have to remind myself of these things. I've only joined the parenting club about 4 years ago now. It's hard to believe it's been that long. While at the same time, I feel like I've been at it a while and getting pretty good at some of it. But I'm slowly realizing that this job, parenting, is something that won't ever end. No matter how long my kids have been married, raising kids of their own, they'll still be my babies. And I'll still worry about them, brag about them, and pray for them every day.
PJ - These 9 months are going to seem eternally long. The first pregnancy did for me too. Just know that once this little angel joins your sweet family, your life will have changed in the best way possible, and it will only get better. And once these 9 months are over, time will speed up. Whether you like it or not. And you'll eventually miss the days of feeling your baby kick you in the bladder, and having to everytime you sneeze.
Hang in there. All you parents. Find support. Find ways to get through the tough times. But hang in there. I'm rootin' for ya.
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