The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Sunday, August 8

Back to life...

The reunion and all business included with it is over, and it feels like we might be back to the way things were. At least for a week or so. Last night we were home late after a dinner, games and talent show. I played a duet with my niece and the kids sang along. It was an exerpt from "A Spoonful of Sugar". Moose actually sang the words. I was pleased enough. It was a really fun time, but I am completely finished with my kids going to bed at 9:30 and being non-stop all the time. I actually look forward to a complete day of going nowhere. Perhaps tomorrow. Perhaps. Probably not. I think we need to go to the store. Oh well. Perhaps Tuesday then...

The hubs and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary yesterday. Yay us. We'll actually be celebrating this coming weekend with dinner out and maybe a late night movie. The kiddos will likely spend the night with grandma and grandpa. Then the week after, I'm afraid, will be a slight return to chaos. The hubs' brother is getting married the 21st. (Yay!!!) Moose is going to be the ring-bearer. (Awww.) I'm excited for the entire event. I don't think it will bring nearly the amount of chaos that the reunion did. Just a few missed naps and one or two late nights. It will most certainly be worth it. Weddings are always such warm and happy occasions. I just love them!

Mr. Ring Bearer is going to be wearing a bow-tie and suspenders. I finished his bow-tie. (Yes, I made it.) I'll be working on the suspenders this week, now that the reunion business is finished. I just need one more supply and I can whip them out. I think he's going to look super cute in the combo. And the kid sweats bullets so easily, that a suit coat and the whole get-up would probably have him soaked through his shirt before he made it down the aisle, I'm afraid.

Anyway, one week of slightly not much to do and then another week of somewhat business, and then the school year starts and the hubs is back to his high school schedule.

The summer has gone WAY too fast.

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