The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Saturday, August 14

Cleaning Time...

So today I got a bit of a cleaning bug and decided to do a little bit. Monkey's finally old enough that I'm able to do some of these things while she's awake and it's not too hard to keep her in appropriate places, and out of trouble. I started cleaning the bathrooms a tiny bit, and then decided that I needed to clean the kitchen floor. (Since Monkey is perfectly comfortable picking up her cheerios from the kitchen floor and eating them, I decided the floor should be as clean as possibe.)

I started out sweeping, and apparently I don't do this infront of her very often, because she was fascinated with what this "broom" thing was. It took a while to finish that part. Then out came the mop. (This is an old fashioned twisty mop and bucket.) This was extremely interesting. I don't think she's ever seen me mop. No, not because I don't ever do it, but because we never do it when she's awake.

Now, here comes the "this is why we don't do it when you're awake part". As I was in the middle of mopping and talking to my sister on the cell phone (which was now plugged into the wall in the kitchen), I wasn't keeping a very close eye on her, and she walked straight into the kitchen, right over the freshly mopped part. As you can imagine, she fell right back and hit her head. Fortunately she was okay, not very hurt, and easily distracted, but it reminded me nonetheless why I don't do these things when she's awake.

And of course later on (because I hadn't tossed the water yet because I still wanted to mop more) she brought me books to read her and dropped one right in the water. Thank goodness it was a thick board book. Those Sandra Boynton books are resilient. That's one reason why I like them so much.

But all in all, a fun cleaning day introducing my girl to the mop and broom.

(Oh, and Moose wanted to help mop once he saw what I was doing. So I let him help me mop the entry ways. It was such a treat for him. Wonder how long that'll last?)

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