The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Monday, August 9

Yay for home...

So today ended up being a day at home after all. While I slept in with Miss Monkey, the hubs took Moose to the store and did the grocery shopping. (Love you hubs!) It was a wonderful day of recovery, completely at home, never once considering going anywhere. It was great.

Maybe now that we're finally recovered, I'll brace myself to take the kids to the library as it's been quite a long time. Perhaps.

I'm currently looking forward to celebrating our anniversary this Friday night. Or Thursday night. Dinner and a late night movie (the movie theater is a once a year occurrence for the most part, and is a pretty big deal for me. I'm quite excited about it.) while the kiddos spend the night with the grandparents. I just hope there's something good to watch in the theaters. We always try to pick something that's a real "theater" movie and is worth paying the high cost, versus something that's equally good at home. (For example, the last thing we saw in the theater was "Avatar".) Any recommendations?


  1. I hope that your big day is a ton of fun! We just went an saw Inception. It was really good. I think that it would better seen at the theatres.

  2. Enjoy your movie! We don't ever go, and out of the ordinary, I've gone twice in the last month. I always choke at how much it cost. I took the kids to see toy story 3 because I knew they would like it, and then we saw Despicable Me this weekend while visiting Nathan. We were on a little "vacation", so the kids got spoiled with a movie. Probably won't happen again for another year.

  3. I hear Inception is awesome! I would love to see that one myself, but I agree, movies are way over priced. Want to take the kids to Toy Story 3... maybe when it comes to the cheaper theater. We will see. Happy Anniversary. Have a great time out with the hubs
