The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Tuesday, August 17

Teething and more...

So for the last two days, Monkey has had a pretty serious runny nose. Which makes her falling asleep fantastic. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) She usually goes to sleep fine for her naps, for whatever reason, but bedtime is a whole other story.

Tonight's bedtime was a little worse than usual. The hubs put her down, complete with tylenol (teething: molars and I'm pretty sure her canines too), vicks and the humidifier. Covering all the bases I suppose. But she screamed, nonetheless. A lot.  After a bit I decided to go in and hold her a little and sing some songs. As I went to pick her up, I felt that her bum was wet. Upon further searching, she had a little accident. Not a poop accident, as I was expecting, but a vomit accident. Not much, thankfully, but enough. (Really, it was a tiny amount, but still needed bathing and cleaning.)

So after a bath, some cleaning, new sheets, etc., we were ready to put her back to bed with Moose. (He had been awake the whole time, but by now it was his bedtime too.)  She's still not the happiest of campers, but I don't think we'll have to go in again. (crossing my fingers!) And hopefully there'll be no more fluids of any kind. (crossing my toes!)

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