The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Sunday, August 22

End of Summer...

Today officially marks the end of summer for us. The hubs starts work tomorrow. (Although the students don't show up until Wednesday.) It's exciting to start this next school year. Tomorrow is a "detox" day. Mostly for me, since the kids don't understand that and probably don't need it. I think the most we will do is go to the library (and get gas if we have to.) and spend the rest of the day relaxing at home.

It's been a really long, but enjoyable summer. It's actually gone really fast, and it's hard to believe it's over. The last month has made it seem longer since we've had so many things planned, it's hard to believe we did it all.

It's been raining today, which for me is a perfect way to end this summer. It's cool, and cleansing in a way. Like washing off everything we've been doing, for a new start. I'm really looking forward to whatever will come this fall. The kiddos are growing so fast. It's hard to grasp how quickly the time has gone. It feels like Monkey was just born, and she's almost 1 1/2, and acting like such a big girl.  Moose is such a big guy and getting so mature (for a 4 year old, of course). I just love watching our family grow.

Well, the next few days should be interesting, now that the hubs will be leaving for work much earlier, and I'll need to be manning the fort much earlier than I have been. I know I can do it. It will just take a few days to re-adjust. And now that I'm done sewing (Definitely the first time I've been this glad to put my sewing machine away.) I can clear off the school table so me and Moose can restart our daily school time, which we have both missed a lot. I'm definitely looking forward to what's next for us.

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