The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Tuesday, August 10

Raising a Reader...

So we made a real effort with Moose to expose him to books early and often. As a result of this, we read books every day, and he's a big fan. We remember when we was younger, and we'd read books before bed. We finally realized the only way to keep him from throwing a fit for more books was by letting him pick 5 books. That was his magic number.

Monkey is only 16 months old, but she is quite the book fanatic as well. We have a few sets, one with Winnie the Pooh and an exercising theme, and two sets of Sandra Boynton books (which I adore) that she would literally have me read to her all day long.

The last few days have been this way. I'm so happy that she has this early love for reading, and I'm doing my best to encourage her love of books (since she's obviously not reading, but looking and listening) but I must admit that it is really exhausting. In that "this is really boring, must I read this again" sorta way.

But don't get me wrong. I want my kids to learn to love books. I'll just be glad when one of them knows how to read.

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