So, as I promised, this would be a true vision of parenthood. Today's incident today doesn't involve one of my children, but my sweet (almost 8 year old) niece. Nonetheless, one of those parenting moments we all go through that is worth sharing (and warning others about).
We were having a fun little BBQ for Memorial Day with the hub's family. After the eating festivities, my niece was jonesing for a haircut. So I got the scissors and comb and started cutting. We were in the bathroom, and I had just finished a preliminary trim around her entire head when she looked at me with her hand over her mouth. Then she turned to the sink, and (you guessed it) totally lost her dinner. She hadn't been feeling well the whole day and it finally took its toll on her.
I calmly called to her mother and stood there by her and held her hair. The poor thing just kept going. Her mom told me I didn't have to stay, but I just couldn't leave her. Afterwards as we cleaned up a bit (thank goodness we were right infront of the sink) she told me she was surprised I could handle it as well as I did. I pondered this for a short while, to figure out why I was able to handle it without losing my dinner too. (Or at least getting really woozy.)
I realized that once I had kids, who had the stomach flu, or goodness knows what else, that makes them vomit, it's just not the same as it was when you were a kid. I still have semi-nightmares about an incident Moose had when he had lost his dinner after he had gone to bed. We heard him cough, or something, and then start screaming. Me and the hubs shared this millisecond look and both ran in there. Moose always hated getting sick like that and would cry everytime it happened. I just hated it. After that one incident, I used to go to bed dreading him getting sick to his stomach because I couldn't stand seeing him so sad. (Do you notice how I'm avoiding all the normal words for this. I just hate using them.)
Moose has been sick to his stomach a few times, so it has been during those few illnesses that I got over my gross factor for that type of thing. For me (and I'm sure I may just have a semi-tough constitution for this sort of stuff) I just can't think about being sick to my stomach or grossed out when my kid is so sad, or uncomfortable, or however it makes them feel. All of my mental powers kick over into how-can-I-help-this-kid-get-better Mode. I'm sure some people just can't help but feel ill around that sort of thing, but I'm fortunate enough to be able to deal, I guess.
Anyhow, so it was a semi-unpleasant way to end the evening. I'm just glad the Miss is feeling alright and not uber-sick. And no, it was not her seeing her haircut in the mirror that made her ill. (Thank you bro-in-law.) And I still absolutely, for the record, hate it when I get this type of sick, and dread the day Monkey gets it. (She has yet to really be sick like that.) I have other stories like this (one involving baby chicken noodle. Gross.) that come with parenting. Maybe another day.
For today, it was a real day job of the yucky and not so fun. Get better Miss. Hopefully we can finish that oh-so-cute haircut really soon.
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