Monkey was being a total goofball at dinner tonight. It was awesome. I sat back for one second and observed our family and was so happy with what I saw. Now this isn't a daily occurence or anything, all of us laughing together at dinner, but it does happen on occasion. I love those occasions.
She realized that she can blink her eyes whenever she wants to, and she would look at me and deliberately blink over and over. She thought she was so funny. Something else she did, which is a new thing she's been doing lately, is shaking her head back and forth. She would start to shake her head, and move her whole body back and forth. It was hilarious. A few times I was worried she'd somehow fall out of her high chair, but luckily she was secure. Me and the hubs and Moose were all laughing at her. It was really fun.
Outside of the kids, I had a super productive naptime. This isn't exactly rare, but I did things I don't normally do. I've been jumping back on the cleaning band wagon. (Yes, I've been off it for a while.) I finished a nice deep clean of the kitchen today. (Okay, minus the mopping. I hate mopping.) I even organized the medicine shelf, which was a total chaotic mess. Then I worked on some crafts, finishing one shirt, and making progress on another. After that I worked on a nice little quiet book I've made filled with pictures for the kids to look at when we're at church. I was really pleased with all of my productiveness. Oh yeah, I also did a batch of cookies. (The dough was in the freezer, I just baked a batch of it.) And started the pizza dough for tonight. (Which turned out heavenly.) Oh, and cleaned all the dishes and whatnot associated with all those tasks. As I like to say, boo-yah! (I've got to give the hubs some credit too. He went to town in the bathroom and cleaned it like a mad man. After Moose's nap, he went in there and said, "What's that smell?" referring to the nice Pinesol scent. We told him, "That's the smell of clean.")
Really great day. We have quite a few errands to run tomorrow and I have dedicated myself to waking up at 7 tomorrow. I can do this. I can do this.
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