The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Friday, July 30

Lazy Mom Syndrome...

I made up this term. But it's a feeling that I'm familiar with. I occasionally have a day when I am not motivated. Sometimes it's an entire day. Other times it's only part of a day. Like today, when naps were significantly shorter than usual for both kiddos. It just sucks the motivation from me and I desire to do nothing.

The thing about lazy mom syndrome is that I get away with it. Meaning, there's no way I would be that lazy if the hubs were home, or if other people were around. But when it's just me and the kids, I just don't care. Today, as I had this happen, I pondered why I don't care about it, but then feel slightly silly when thinking that if the hubs saw me being so lazy I'd feel guilty. (Does that even make sense?)

Anyhow, I came up with an answer to my poorly written question. My kids don't judge me. That's why. They don't care that I'm not cleaning, doing laundry, working on my to-do list, etc. If I so choose to watch a few episodes of something on Netflix Instant Watch, they don't really care, as long as I give them attention when they want it and don't completely ignore them. (It's not the most relaxing thing in the world, but I take what I can get.) But when it comes to other adults, I would feel judged and therefore not spend my afternoon doing mostly nothing.

So now I know. Kids don't judge. Yet. And that's what allows me to feel okay about being lazy when it's just me and the kids. I haven't come to any other startling revelations. Just that.

So now I know.

1 comment:

  1. I've talked about this with Stacie a lot recently and how to get out of that Lazy Mom Syndrome. By the way, i like the term you used. For us, it happens alot of the time in the afternoon. It's hard, but it makes since as why we aren't motivated. You said it exactly. The kids don't care if you are or not, as long as they still get what they need from you during the day.
