The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Tuesday, January 25

Discipline Update...

So since we've changed our tactics with Moose a bit, I thought I'd give a little update. Here's a brief bit on what changed. I've cracked down on his minor behaviors more severely that bug me (baby talk, talking back) so that we don't have a Mt. Everest breakdown later on while all these little things continue building and bugging me.

Ultimately, we have more timeouts. Which he hates. I find it ridiculous, because they're the easiest punishment ever. (I don't make him sit there that long.) I try to talk to him more about what he's doing, what's expected of him, what just happened and why. We did a lot of that with him when he was younger and it lessened our freak outs. After he loses a privilege we talk about it. Later that day we review and remind him what was lost and why, and how we'll act differently next time so he doesn't lose that privilege. He does seem a bit more emotional/whiny, but I think that's mainly because he's been getting away with a lot of behaviors that I should've been cracking down on. (The talk back mostly. Which has dropped drastically.) I think overall the changes have been very good.

Now, to figure out what to do with Monkey, our resident banshee. When something drops, most kids her age say uh-oh. She screams. Something happens that she doesn't like and she screams, she needs help and she screams. It's really getting old. Oh, and when we put her in time out she completely L-O-S-E-S  I-T! Yes, the capitalization and whatnot are necessary. I mean, seriously, she loses her mind. It's so weird. She's only been doing that recently, although she hasn't had a lot of time outs lately either. Perhaps she realized she didn't like them and has decided that if she gets one she's going to freak out big time? Very likely. Maybe I should bring the hammer down on her a bit too, just to remind her who's boss. In the end, I can always scream louder. :) (Not that I do, just saying.)

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