Today the hubs had to work til 9 (meaning he's still not home) so I was flying solo. Granted, he was the one up with the kids for about 30 minutes before I woke up, but I did the rest of the day on my own. I was mentally prepared for it, which helps. Going a whole day alone can be supremely stressful. (Although I know I'm a wuss since the hubs is never gone for extended periods of time. I actually don't remember the last time he was gone for 24 hours.) Anyway, I was proud that the day went really well. We had a pretty relaxing morning, the kids took great naps, and we survived the evening without it getting too "I can't wait til bedtime"-ish. I still hate the hubs being gone for this long, but I'm super proud of having a good day.
With Moose, I remember being done with the day by noon, when the hubs would come home for lunch. Then when he was older, I remember being able to make it til about 3 or 4, when the hubs would come home from his day job (a different one at this point) and get ready for his night job. (And then I'd dread the night, of course.) It was when Moose was between 2 and 3 that the hubs had night classes and I got so that I could do a whole day on my own. Granted, that was just one kid. And even then, I do recall it being really boring. (We rode the bus around campus for a while every Wednesday evening - it was free- since Moose loved buses, and it filled time.)
I can see the baby steps I've made as a parent, the little milestones. I have a friend with only 1 little one. Sometimes she'll ask me how I do it all, or she'll express some type of amazement at what I'm able to get done with 2 kids. All I can say is, when I look back to my time with only 1 kid, I can't believe how hard it was. And it was, genuinely hard. I wasn't super wussy or anything. It's all a matter of adapting, growing, changing as a person. The thought of doing a whole day with 3 kids right now totally seems unlikely to happen without large amounts of stress. But I'm sure I'll get to the point, eventually, when I can. Our youngest might be a bit older, but I'll get there I'm sure.
7 1/2 weeks left. 6 1/2 till my mom comes. (Yes mom, I only put that there to stress you out.)
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