The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Sunday, February 27


Today Moose was mostly grouch, most of the day. We're not sure why. We thought maybe it'd be better when he had a nap. Not really. So they were in bed at 7:00. Perhaps tomorrow will be better?

On the up side, I started doing more baby prep. Packing a hospital bag, that sorta thing. I'm getting more and more excited. Everytime we get something ready for the baby it makes Monkey more excited and angry, since she can't do anything with the baby now i.e. dress it, give it a pacifier, etc. I hope she'll be just as excited when she's here. Hopefully just not too excited. :) I also slept awesome last night.

Oh, and I threw my hip out in a bad way yesterday chasing Monkey down in Wal-Mart. She was pushing our monstrous cart towards an end cap filled with coffee containers. I stopped her, but did something nasty to my left hip. I waddled really bad the whole night. But thanks to some stretching and a good night's sleep, it's practically better. Yay for that. I waddle enough as it is. :)

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