The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Monday, February 28

Warm Fuzzies...

So I'm pretty sure I mentioned our "warm fuzzies" jar before. I took the idea from Moose's preschool group. We have a small plastic jar and a plastic bag full of poofy balls (crafting type supplies). Whenever one of the kids does something that is nice to me, the hubs, or each other, we let them put a warm fuzzy into the jar. Once it's full, we'll do something special as a family. Over the last week or so, Moose has been earning more warm fuzzies than he used to. It's pretty awesome. It's generally because he's being really nice to Monkey. When she has problems or has an owie, he'll go to her and talk to her gently. He'll try to give her a solution, or give her a hug. Whatever it is she happens to need. I can see our hours and hours of talking things out to Moose paying off. He'll totally try and be rational with her and explain things to her to calm her down. For example, she wanted a candy out of our "moose" (we have a moose shaped cookie jar). I told her no. I was cooking dinner and gave her the option of leftover applesauce from lunch, which she declined in no uncertain terms. But she went off and cried to Moose about it. I told him why she was sad, and he told her that if she waited til dinner and ate all her dinner that she would be able to have something from the moose. It was all done in a super sweet, calm voice and with complete intentions of soothing and calming her down. Which it did. It was so awesome. Then a little later on the kids were putting away puzzles. Monkey can be a bit bossy about it, and she got snappy with Moose. Normally he probably would've snapped back, but he totally didn't and responded as nicely as he could. It was the coolest thing. Granted, he's not like this every day. Like yesterday evening. He was a total grouch. But days and moments like these are happening more and more often. Monkey really does worship him. It's so sweet. Awesome timing too. The more he can help soothe her and keep her a bit happier, the easier it will be to handle having a new baby around. I'm so grateful for my little man. He's so awesome! :)

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