The Mommy Chronicles. A real life, every day, look into what it's like to be a mother. The good, the bad, the pretty, the ugly, and the stinky.

Friday, June 25

Never enough...

So apparently Moose's new thing is that nothing is ever enough. One movie isn't enough, playing outside isn't enough, going to someone's house to play isn't enough, nothing is ever enough. It's so frustrating. The tantrums are continuing (as is my poor, sad sunburned back) and I'm getting a bit frazzled. I'm actually handling it okay, but it's so darn annoying. We don't know what makes him get this way. We have never, in any way reinforced this sort of behavior. All of his moaning and complaining makes me want to do less of the things he's asking for. If he wasn't so whiny and complaining all the time, I'd be far more likely to do all of the things he keeps asking me about.


My rant for the day. I'm exhausted. Going to bed. Perhaps tomorrow will be better.

1 comment:

  1. Cardon did that. We for months continued to tell him he needed to be grateful for what he had. We also took stuff away, like ok, you cant be grateful that you got a movie today? you dont get one tomorrow. I wont say it has totally stopped the tantrums, but it has slowed them down. now sometimes I ask him if he is being ungrateful, and he can recognize it.
